Highly Effective Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedies for Treating Ear Diseases from Qian Jin Fang
This prescription from Qian Jin Fang by Sun Simiao focuses on highly effective Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for ear diseases, including hearing loss, ear infections, and ringing. Using natural ingredients like magnetite, rehmannia, and ginger, these remedies address kidney deficiency and cold-induced ear problems, restoring hearing and promoting overall ear health.
Ear Diseases (Eighth Section)
(Author: Sun Simiao, from “Qian Jin Fang”)
Treatment for Kidney Heat, Back Spasms, Ear Discharge (Pus and Blood), or Blockage Due to Flesh Growths, and Hearing Loss:
- Ingredients: Magnetite, White Atractylodes, Oyster Shell (5 liang each), Licorice (1 liang), Fresh Ophiopogon Root (6 liang), Fresh Rehmannia Juice (1 sheng), Peony (Shao Yao) (4 liang), Green Onion (1 sheng), Red Dates (15 pieces).
Grind these nine ingredients and boil them in 9 sheng of water until reduced to 3 sheng. Divide into three doses.
Treatment for Kidney Heat Causing Blackened Face, White Eyes, Kidney Qi Deficiency, Ear Ringing, Shortness of Breath, Pain in Limbs, and Yellow-Red Urine:
- Ingredients: Sheep Kidney (1, prepared as food), White Atractylodes (5 liang), Fresh Ginger (6 liang), Scrophularia (Xuan Shen) (4 liang), Alisma (Ze Xie) (2 liang), Peony (Shao Yao), Poria (Fu Ling) (3 liang each), Fresh Bamboo Leaves (2 sheng), Fresh Rehmannia (Sheng Di Huang) (1 sheng).
Boil the sheep kidney and bamboo leaves in 20 sheng of water until reduced to 10 sheng, then strain. Add the remaining ingredients and boil down to 3 sheng. Divide into three doses and take. If the condition persists, repeat after three days.
Treatment for Continuous Ear Discharge (Pus and Blood) Due to Kidney Heat:
- Ingredients: Carp Brain (1 piece), Carp Intestine (washed and finely chopped), Carp (3 jin), Sesame Seeds (toasted for fragrance) (1 sheng).
Grind the sesame seeds first, then combine all ingredients into a mixture. Warm over low heat, wrap in cloth, and apply to the ear for two meals’ time. White worms will emerge. For double ear infections, apply one dose to each ear. If only one ear is affected, split the dose. After no more than three applications, the condition should heal. Avoid exposure to wind and cold.
Treatment for Cold Kidney Deficiency, Leading to Lower Back Pain, Weakness in Sexual Energy, and Ear Ringing:
- Ingredients: Fresh Rehmannia Juice (2 sheng), Fresh Ophiopogon Juice (3 sheng), Honey (3 sheng), Roasted Sheep Kidney (1), White Atractylodes, Fermented Barley (1 jin each), Licorice, Dried Ginger, Lycium Bark (Di Gu Pi) (8 liang each), Cinnamon Bark, Eucommia, Astragalus (Huang Qi) (4 liang each), Angelica (Dang Gui), Schisandra (Wu Wei Zi) (3 liang each).
Grind the 14 ingredients into a powder, mix with the fresh juices, and heat gently. Dry in the sun, then grind into a fine powder again. Take with wine, one spoonful twice daily.
Treatment for Long-Term Hearing Loss (Due to Cold in the Kidneys), Even After 20 Years:
- Ingredients: Old Iron (20 jin, heated red-hot and soaked in 5 dou of water for three days), Moraceae Root (30 jin, boiled in 1 shi of water to yield 5 dou), Acorus (Shi Chang Pu) (5 dou, boiled in 1 shi of water to yield 5 dou).
Combine all three liquids and use them to ferment 2 dou of rice with 2 dou of yeast to make wine. Once brewed, soak 3 jin of ground magnetite in the wine for three days. Drink regularly until you feel slightly intoxicated and can hear clearly. Stop taking the medicine once you can hear people’s voices.