Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedies for Stroke (Cerebral Infarction): Insights from Bencao Gangmu


Cerebral infarction, commonly known as ischemic stroke, occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked, causing brain damage and loss of function. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), treating and preventing strokes involves improving blood circulation, clearing blockages, and nourishing the brain. The ‘Bencao Gangmu’ (Compendium of Materia Medica) contains a wealth of herbal remedies that can aid in stroke recovery and prevent future occurrences by promoting healthy blood flow and supporting brain health. In this article, we explore specific herbs from ‘Bencao Gangmu’ that are effective for stroke management, their recommended dosages, and how they work.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedies for Stroke (Cerebral Infarction): Insights from Bencao Gangmu

Key Herbs for Treating Stroke (Cerebral Infarction)

  1. Ginkgo Biloba (Yin Xing – 银杏)
    • Dosage: 6-12 grams
    • Properties: Ginkgo Biloba is known for its ability to improve blood circulation and protect against oxidative damage in the brain. It helps increase blood flow to the brain and reduces the risk of stroke by preventing blood clot formation.
    • How to Use: Commonly consumed as a tea or in capsule form, Ginkgo Biloba can be used regularly to support brain health and prevent future strokes.
  2. Red Sage (Dan Shen – 丹参)
    • Dosage: 9-15 grams
    • Properties: Red Sage is a powerful herb used to promote blood circulation and reduce blood stasis, which can lead to strokes. It helps dissolve clots, improve blood vessel function, and protect brain tissues from damage.
    • How to Use: Red Sage is typically used in decoctions or taken in supplement form to enhance blood flow and support stroke recovery.
  3. Astragalus (Huang Qi – 黄芪)
    • Dosage: 9-15 grams
    • Properties: Astragalus strengthens the immune system and improves circulation, making it an important herb for preventing stroke. It also helps restore energy levels and aids in the recovery of weakened muscles and tissues after a stroke.
    • How to Use: Astragalus can be consumed as part of a tea, soup, or decoction to promote healthy circulation and reduce stroke risk.
  4. Sichuan Lovage (Chuan Xiong – 川芎)
    • Dosage: 3-9 grams
    • Properties: Sichuan Lovage is used to promote blood flow and disperse wind, both of which can prevent the formation of blood clots and blockages that lead to strokes. It is often used in TCM formulas to treat vascular issues.
    • How to Use: Commonly used in decoctions, Sichuan Lovage helps regulate blood pressure and reduce stroke risk by improving blood circulation.

Herbal Formula for Stroke Prevention and Recovery (Based on Bencao Gangmu)


  • Ginkgo Biloba (Yin Xing): 8 grams
  • Red Sage (Dan Shen): 10 grams
  • Astragalus (Huang Qi): 12 grams
  • Sichuan Lovage (Chuan Xiong): 5 grams


  1. Combine the herbs in 600ml of water.
  2. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes until the water reduces to half.
  3. Strain the liquid and divide it into two servings.
  4. Drink one serving in the morning and the other in the evening to support blood flow and protect against stroke.

External Application for Stroke Recovery

For those recovering from stroke-related muscle weakness, create a massage oil using Red Sage and Astragalus. Warm the herbs in sesame oil and gently massage the affected muscles. This treatment can help improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and aid in stroke rehabilitation.

Why TCM is Effective for Stroke Prevention and Recovery

Traditional Chinese Medicine addresses stroke by focusing on improving blood circulation, preventing clot formation, and nourishing the brain. The herbs outlined in ‘Bencao Gangmu’ are particularly effective for treating the root causes of stroke, such as blood stasis and poor circulation. TCM offers a holistic approach to stroke recovery by supporting both physical rehabilitation and long-term health.


The herbal remedies found in ‘Bencao Gangmu’ provide natural, effective solutions for preventing and managing stroke. These herbs help improve blood flow, protect brain cells, and support recovery from stroke-related damage. For those seeking a holistic approach to stroke treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine offers safe and time-tested methods for promoting brain health and preventing future strokes.


  • Li Shizhen. “Compendium of Materia Medica” (Bencao Gangmu), 1596.

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